- Issue created by @idebr
- Merge request !20Issue #3496751: PHP 8.4: Implicitly nullable parameter declarations deprecated β (Merged) created by idebr
- π³π±Netherlands idebr
This issue also happens to be caught by phpcs, so I fixed these issues in a single go
- π³π±Netherlands idebr
The merge request was not correctly linked to this issue. It is available at https://git.drupalcode.org/project/consumers/-/merge_requests/20
- πΊπΈUnited States eojthebrave Minneapolis, MN
This looks good to me. Thanks.
- dc594498 committed on 8.x-1.x
Issue #3496751: PHP 8.4: Implicitly nullable parameter declarations...
- dc594498 committed on 8.x-1.x