- Issue created by @patelmayank7552
A Paragraph Type A that contains four separate Paragraph Reference fields, each referencing a different Paragraph Type. This kind of structure can be used to build a flexible and modular content layout in Drupal.
Scenario Overview
In this example, we'll describe a content structure where:
Paragraph Type A is a parent paragraph that contains multiple fields, each referencing a different type of paragraph.
The four paragraph reference fields in Paragraph Type A will refer to different Paragraph Types: Paragraph Type B, Paragraph Type C, Paragraph Type D, and Paragraph Type E.
This structure allows content editors to add different content components (e.g., text, images, or quotes) within the same parent paragraph, enabling more complex and varied layouts.
Step-by-Step Example
1. Define Paragraph Types
Paragraph Type A: This is the parent paragraph, which holds the paragraph reference fields.
Paragraph Type B: For example, a "Text Block" paragraph type.
Paragraph Type C: For example, an "Image Gallery" paragraph type.
Paragraph Type D: For example, a "Quote" paragraph type.
Paragraph Type E: For example, a "Video Embed" paragraph type.
Please help me to solve the above issue.
I have attached to video and the ajax error txt file, which may help in debugging.