- Issue created by @stephane aimar
- 🇫🇷France Grimreaper France 🇫🇷
In UIP 2: Need to alter the LinksPropType normalization to add an HTML attribute to the links based on in_active_trail.
In USB: Change the active-link.js file to use this attribute too.
In Sobki (until extracted to a generic module): change the event subscriber to use this attribute too. - Merge request !239Issue #3494725 by grimreaper, stephane aimar: Menu item - Active in trail → (Merged) created by Grimreaper
grimreaper →
committed 64410067 on 5.1.x
Issue #3494725 by grimreaper, stephane aimar: Menu item - Active in...
grimreaper →
committed 64410067 on 5.1.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.