- Issue created by @Ivรกn Barrios
I have applied the changes by renaming the folder name , please review .
- ๐ช๐ธSpain omarlopesino
Patch from #2 is empty. Is it possible that you have renamed it but the patch haven't been generated correctly?
I suggest you following these instructions โ or use Drupal GItalb repositories โ to create a merge request.
- ๐ช๐ธSpain omarlopesino
About this issue, I am aware of this problem, and we have this important problem if we fix it: If we release a new version changing the module name, the sites using this module would break. It is true that uninstalling the site , updating the module, and reinstalling it would fix it, but having to reconfigure an entire module should be avoided. Any ideas to deal with this problem?