Animations, section options & slider permissions

Created on 10 December 2024, 8 days ago

Problem/Motivation & Proposed resolution

Allow permissions control usage of:

  1. VLSuite section options: "Edge to edge", "Main column widths", ...
  2. VLSuite animations
  3. VLSuite slider: Active, slides per view, ...

In order to simplify layout / design edit action, it would be great to not grant listed options for some user roles.
Take into account that any user of that use case shuld only use library (section library) components, in order to avoid wrong or invalid usage of listed options, new permissions are requested for each.
Note that will apply for new sections / blocks usage and or from library, any existing usage will be preserved as advanded utilities. (If a library section uses slider, and isedited by a user role without slider permission, slider usage is preserved but not editable by that user).

Feature request





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