- Issue created by @CRZDEV
- Merge request !56Issue #3492917: Slider, animations & options dedicated permission base → (Merged) created by CRZDEV
Feature base ready in MR:
- Use layout / section when available in sections "use advanced vlsuite layout options"
- Use animations options when available "use advanced vlsuite animations options"
- Use slider options when available "use advanced vlsuite slider options"Pending:
- Update demo config to include new permissions for provided role & update for existing installations.
- Ensure coding standards.
- Update to grant new permissions to any other role (e.g: those with advanced utilities usage?), also include in release notes.Reviewed on existent projects. It works as expected.
Once released we should highlight that permissons update might be needed on the release notes.
Moving to RTBC!
Great, thanks! Yes this should be definacly inditated into release notes.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.