- Issue created by @berdir
- First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !56Issue #3492684 by murz, berdir: Avoid error when just installing → (Merged) created by murz
- 🇦🇲Armenia murz Yerevan, Armenia
Yeah, good idea, but requires a bit of rework, which I've done in a separate issue ✨ Move OpenTelemetry logger proxy to a separate module Active - and will finalize in this ticket.
- 🇦🇲Armenia murz Yerevan, Armenia
Implemented, now instead of the error - with default settings (the endpoint is empty now by default) - it theows a warning instead:
[success] Module opentelemetry has been installed. (Configure) [warning] Fallback OpenTelemetry endpoint http://localhost:4318 is not available. Please set the custom endpoint in the module settings. Parent exception: Export failure: Export retry limit exceeded in line 97 of /var/www/html/web/vendor/open-telemetry/sdk/Common/Export/Http/PsrTransport.php
- Merge request !57Issue #3492684: Check for the environment value for the export failure → (Open) created by murz
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.