- Issue created by @nickdickinsonwilde
- 🇷🇸Serbia bojanz
We started the 2.x branch a year ago and it is still approaching 50% adoption: https://www.drupal.org/project/usage/address →
So I wouldn't want to do a change like this (requiring a 3.x) for another year.
Is there any downside to waiting that we need to document? Where would the deprecation errors be the most annoying / have to be ignored?
- 🇨🇦Canada nickdickinsonwilde Victoria, BC (T'So-uke lands)
That's unfortunate :(
The post update hook is a one off so whatever.
The two views plugins are (potentially) used every time the address form is rendered depending on what fields are exposed (either administrative areas or countries or both) - so quite likely very noisy. It is only a deprecation so production sites *shouldn't* have that being reported and can wait until PHP 9 but I don't like it heh. But yeah if for other maintenance reasons you need to wait, it is what it is. - 🇷🇸Serbia bojanz
FWIW I am fine with merging and releasing the changes from the MR, the commerceguys/addressing changes are the ones that require bumping the major versions.
- 🇨🇦Canada nickdickinsonwilde Victoria, BC (T'So-uke lands)
For other folks, the other change mentioned is https://github.com/commerceguys/addressing/pull/221.
It does impact pretty much the same functionality unfortunately (looking up countries and divisions) but might be somewhat cached in Drupal - I haven't confirmed one way or the other. -
bojanz →
committed 2bbc8ec6 on 2.1.x authored by
nickdickinsonwilde →
Issue #3492425 by nickdickinsonwilde: Nullable types must be explicit
bojanz →
committed 2bbc8ec6 on 2.1.x authored by
nickdickinsonwilde →
bojanz →
committed eee122be on 2.x authored by
nickdickinsonwilde →
Issue #3492425 by nickdickinsonwilde: Nullable types must be explicit
bojanz →
committed eee122be on 2.x authored by
nickdickinsonwilde →
- 🇷🇸Serbia bojanz
Merged the MR. Thanks!
I'll look at the commerceguys/addressing MR again in about 6 months.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.