When saving the config: Error: The submitted value in the Entity Types element is not allowed

Created on 6 December 2024, 2 months ago


When editing the Visitors configuration "/admin/config/system/visitors" and then saving I get the following error which shows up both in the log and on the page (as an alert):

Error message
The submitted value in the Entity Types element is not allowed.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Database: Postgres
  2. Drupal 11.09
  3. I had been using Visitors version 2.21, but then switched to 2.x-dev to get the Postgres updates
  4. Also, I had recently tried the 3.x version and then reverted to the 2.21 version (before going to 2.x-dev)
  5. I had checked to see if there were any database updates to run (/update.php) but everything was done.
  6. Visit the config page for Visitors: /admin/config/system/visitors
  7. It should be noted that when I loaded the settings, nothing is set, e.g. for "Domains" there is no selection, both radio buttons are unselected. The same is for all other options except for "Users" which has "No customization allowed" and "Performance" which has "Minified" selected for Script type. In the previous version of Visitors, I did have selections for my settings (e.g. single domain).
  8. I selected all my preferences and then pressed save
  9. I got the error "The submitted value in the Entity Types element is not allowed"
  10. When I navigated away and then return to the Visitors configuration, the settings are unset like before

Proposed resolution

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