- Issue created by @jan kellermann
We are installing our Drupal systems via modules and config in this modules. So we have a custom-paragraphs-module which depends on paragraphs and entity_type_behaviors and has all config in /config/install
After install the module all fields are shown correctly in the forms - but no values are saved. After edited a paragraphs bundle via ui the storage is created and values can be saved.
Create custom module which depends on paragraphs and entity_type_behaviors and ship exported config in config/install dir.
We added in this custom module in hook_install():
// Create storage for entity_type_behaviors.
/** @var \Drupal\entity_type_behaviors\Storage\EntityTypeBehaviorStorageHandler
$entityTypeBehaviorStorageHandler */
$entityTypeBehaviorStorageHandler = \Drupal::service('entity_type_behaviors.storage.handler');
Maybe you will add this to your README.md.