- Issue created by @a.milkovsky
- 2e7db53d committed on 4.x
Issue #3488609 by a.milkovsky: Improve permissions.
- 2e7db53d committed on 4.x
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
1. The generate riddle_marketplace
permission is not relevant anymore because of
Delete the outdated Riddle creation iframe
2. A custom permission should be used for the riddle_marketplace.admin_settings
route instead of administer site configuration
3. A custom permission should be used for the riddle_marketplace.import
instead of create media
Proposed solution:
1. Remove the generate riddle_marketplace permission
2. Add new administer riddle_marketplace permission.
3. Add new import riddle_marketplace permission.
Issue #3488609 by a.milkovsky: Improve permissions.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.