Support Document media type

Created on 19 November 2024, 4 months ago


The current implementation of the Keepek integration lacks support for handling the media types as Documents . This limitations prevents from managing the doument based media within Drupal.

Steps to reproduce

1.Create a new Keepeek media type in Structure > Media Type
2. Select Doument as the media Type.
3. Create a new field and select Document media Type and save teh field parameter
In Keepeek field paramter select Keepeek media type.

When an document is uploaded and save when we check in content display , the display is blank no document is visible

Proposed resolution

In view elements method inside the Keepek Formatter file , there should be a method which checks whether the uploaded media is Document
$isDocument = KeepeekManager::isDocument($data);

And isDocument method should have be defined in KeepeekManager Class as it is done for isVideo but for media type Document.

And then we can pass the paramters required to render the document in keepeek.html.twig.

🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇮🇳India shreya shetty

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