- Issue created by @diarcastro
- Merge request !19Resolves #3487884: Documentation: Troubleshooting Case 3. → (Open) created by diarcastro
- 🇨🇴Colombia diarcastro
I just pushed a new commit fixing the indentation changes.
Add documentation to fix the issue when you have array props, and you receive a string instead of an object in your SDC.
If you are passing an array of objects to a story and it is being converted into a string comma separated:
{% stories My_Stories with {
title: "Sample Stories",
argTypes: {}
} %}
{% story Story1 with {
name: "Story 1",
args: {
items: [
} %}
{% include('resouce:my-component', { items }) %}
{% endstory %}
{% endstories %}
In your components, you will receive the "items" prop with the string value "Hello,World!" instead of the array with two entries.
I just pushed a new commit fixing the indentation changes.