- Issue created by @jnicola
- πΊπΈUnited States jnicola
jnicola β changed the visibility of the branch 3487080-nodeformalter.php-issue-when to hidden.
- Merge request !43Add sanity check to NodeFormAlter for possibly empty form actions array β (Open) created by jnicola
- πΊπΈUnited States jnicola
Okay got a merge request for it for anyone who may want this.
Didn't investigate tests for this, but could reasonably write one I'm sure.
- heddn Nicaragua
Can we patch 3.x first? I'll backport from there. But group 1.x is on life support at the moment.
- πΊπΈUnited States jnicola
Folks are welcome to do so, if the problem even exists there.
We're on the life support 1.x stuff until we migrate to group 2.x
- πΊπΈUnited States jnicola
Ugh, go figure I spent all spring making the switch to 2.x for one of our two big products, and now 3.x is ready!!!