- Issue created by @heddn
As I understand you include inline blocks as TMGMT "suggested" items. So, TMGMT creates TMGMT Job items per every requested entity and packs them into TMGMT Job. Our context feature generates a URL from the entity attached to the TMGMT Job item. There is no relation like "this block/incline block/etc is placed/attached on/to the entity from TMJMT Job item (node or something else) in this TMGMT Job". The connector can't guess what entity it needs to pick to render blocks. It just renders the given entity from the job item by whatever link it provides.
It's also not clear what entity to pick because as I understand inline block could be placed on multiple entities.
However, you can use hook_tmgmt_smartling_context_url_alter and implement your own rules for overriding context URL. Only you know what page to choose to render block as a context.
1. Not sure if it's a good idea to override TMGMT Job Item's item id/type even though it's cloned object.
2. I initially thought that\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($usage->layout_entity_type)->load($usage->layout_entity_id);
will return a node or any other content entity but it returns actual layout entity. It only has information that it can work with node of some type but it doesn't have information about the exact node (id).