- Issue created by @trackleft2
- Merge request !69Close #3482961 Update environment_indicator.libraries.yml to remove version key. β (Open) created by trackleft2
Starting from Drupal 10.1.2, the version information within a library definition plays a critical role in generating a unique hash for aggregated files. Consequently, it is imperative that the "version" in a library definition is updated whenever a referenced CSS/JS file undergoes changes.
Alternatively, if the version is omitted, the prior behavior will apply, where the content of referenced CSS/JS files is utilized in the hash.
Incorrect usage of version information could lead to browser and edge cache invalidation issues.
See this update β on the related changelog β .
Remove the version number here: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/environment_indicator/-/blob/4.x/envi...
Create a merge request to remove the version key.