VLSuite Modal is adding 'url' cache context to all config objects

Created on 4 October 2024, 5 months ago


By inspecting a disproportionate cache_render table I realized a block was being cached by url and that made no sense to me.
Further analysis showed me that this was happening for any single block. Finally found vlsuite_model was the responsible of that. It started declaring url cache context to every cache object. This regression was introduced in the solution to 🐛 Layout Builder modal dialog is broken with Drupal 10.1+ Fixed .

I think cache contexts are only used in render arrays so, although it is added for any object in a config.factory.override service, the impact of this is limited to cache render and not all cache objects.

In the practical side this means that for each url, a set of all cachable render arrays is stored. So cache size tends to N * number-of-urls, where N is the number of cacheable render elements.

Steps to reproduce

Enabling vlsuite_model is enough to reproduce this bad behaviour.

A way to test the evidence, is comparing the number of cache items generated with and without vlsuite_model enabled.

ddev drush site:install --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin -y

ddev composer require drupal/devel_generate drupal/vlsuite

ddev drush en -y devel_generate
ddev drush devel-generate:content

echo "## Without vlsuite_modal"
ddev drush cr
wget -q -r --spider https://testbed-drupal10.ddev.site/
ddev drush sql:query "select concat('Total items in cache render: ',count(cid)) from cache_render; select concat('Items with url cache context: ', count(cid)) from cache_render where cid like '%[url]%';"

echo "## With vlsuite_modal"
ddev drush en -y vlsuite
ddev drush en -y vlsuite_modal
ddev drush cr
wget -q -r --spider https://testbed-drupal10.ddev.site/
ddev drush sql:query "select concat('Total items in cache render: ',count(cid)) from cache_render; select concat('Items with url cache context: ', count(cid)) from cache_render where cid like '%[url]%';"

This is the output of above test:

## Without vlsuite_modal

Total items in cache render: 356
Items with url cache context: 4

## With vlsuite_modal

Total items in cache render: 902
Items with url cache context: 740

We can dig further:

$ ddev drush sql:query "select cid from cache_render where cid like '%url%'" --extra=-A | cut -d: -f -2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -h
      4 view:taxonomy_term
      5 view:frontpage
    149 entity_view:node
    614 entity_view:block

$ ddev drush sql:query "select cid from cache_render where cid like '%url%'" --extra=-A | cut -d: -f -3 | sort | uniq -c | sort -h | tail -n 20
      5 view:frontpage:display
      6 entity_view:node:1
      7 entity_view:node:26
      7 entity_view:node:34
      7 entity_view:node:45
      9 entity_view:node:36
      9 entity_view:node:49
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_help
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_main_menu
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_messages
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_powered
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_search_form_narrow
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_search_form_wide
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_site_branding
     40 entity_view:block:olivero_syndicate
     42 entity_view:block:olivero_breadcrumbs
     46 entity_view:block:olivero_primary_local_tasks
     46 entity_view:block:olivero_secondary_local_tasks
     80 entity_view:block:olivero_account_menu
     80 entity_view:block:olivero_primary_admin_actions

All those blocks should be cached only once.

Proposed resolution

Probably cache context is not needed here, since the cache additions don't vary by url. Anyway the compromise solution is to add only this cache context in layout builder pages.

Remaining tasks


User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇪🇸Spain jonhattan Plasencia

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