Missing Step in Documentation: "Enable Caption Field" for Image Field Caption Module

Created on 19 September 2024, 5 months ago


The documentation for the image_field_caption module is missing a key step when setting up the image caption field. The current instructions skip the step where users need to enable the "Enable Caption field" radio button, which is crucial for the image caption feature to function properly.

Steps to reproduce

  • Add a new image field to a content type or use an existing one.
  • Set the field format to "Image with caption" on the "Manage display" tab.
  • Try to add or edit a node without checking the "Enable Caption field" option.
  • The caption field is missing on the entity form.

Proposed resolution

Update the documentation to include the following missing step between steps 1 and 2:

  • New Step: Check the "Enable Caption field" radio button in the field settings to ensure the caption text area appears.

The updated documentation should look like this:

  • Add a new image field to a content type, or use an existing image field and set the field format to "Image with caption" on the "Manage display" tab.
  • Check "Enable Caption field" radio button.
  • Add or edit a node or any other entity with an image field.
  • Go to the image field on the entity form.
  • Enter text into the caption text area and choose format.
  • Save the entity.
  • View the entity to see your image field caption.

Remaining tasks

  • Update the README.txt to reflect the new step.
  • Test to ensure the documentation is accurate.

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