- Issue created by @rgnyldz
- Status changed to Closed: duplicate
5 months ago 3:10am 20 September 2024 See https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_conditions_plus/issues/3239061 🐛 Does not work with promotion offers Needs work
My goal is to set a simple fixed discount if the order total is between some price. But exclude a few products.
Add a discount with three conditions. One for if the price is above 1000, one if the price is under 2000 and one to exclude some specific products (negate is checked)
If I only add the price range as two conditions its working just fine and the discount applies. But when I add a product to exclude I expect it not to apply but it just throws away the whole promotion even if I don't have that product in my cart. If I don't check negate for the products it is actually working for the price range again.
So I presume there is something wrong with the negate checkbox function.
Closed: duplicate
See https://www.drupal.org/project/commerce_conditions_plus/issues/3239061 🐛 Does not work with promotion offers Needs work