Filters by Social Tags are missing

Created on 16 September 2024, 3 months ago
Updated 19 September 2024, 3 months ago


After implementing the feature Allow disable/enable tagging per group bundle β†’ , a bug appeared: filters for 'Social Tags' disappeared from the 'All groups' view.

Steps to reproduce

  • Enable module "Social Tagging"
  • Go to admin/config/opensocial/tagging-settings and enable checkbox Group type: Flexible group
  • Create a "Content Tag" "Test" and enable it for "Flexible Group Type"
  • Create a child term for a "Content Tag" "Test" - "Test 1" and "Test 2"
  • Create a flexible group "Group 1" with the tag "Test 1"
  • Create a flexible group "Group 2" with the tag "Test 2"
  • Go to "All groups" page - /all-groups
  • There should be a filter "Test" but it doesn't

Proposed resolution

In the file social_tagging.module, we have a hook social_tagging_form_views_exposed_form_alter that checks if filters are allowed for a view. The following code is present: 'views-exposed-form-newest-groups-page-all-groups' => ['group']. However, the 'Placement ID' group no longer exists. It should be updated to a list of all available 'Placement IDs' for existing group bundles.

πŸ› Bug report





Code (back-end)

Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦Ukraine r_cheh

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