- Issue created by @casey
- π³π±Netherlands casey
While looking at SchedulerManager::publish(), I also noticed that if multiple hook_scheduler_publish_process() implementations exist and the first return a "-1" as an error occured, the processing is not stopped. This would mean that any next hook implementation can (and likely will) publish/save the entity.
I am not sure if this is intended/wanted behavior. Maybe this should be altered into some kind of chain-of responsibility pattern; as soon as a publish_process implementation returns 1 or -1, the processing is considered to be finished.
- π¬π§United Kingdom jonathan1055
Thanks for reporting this and giving such a detailed description and steps to reproduce. I follow them and see what I get, then work from there.
- Merge request !175Issue #3473851: Abort (un)publishing process hook invocations on success or failure result and stop saving entity on failure β (Open) created by casey
- Status changed to Needs review
4 months ago 9:48am 16 September 2024 - π³π±Netherlands casey
I've created a MR that aborts (un)publishing process hook invocations on success or failure result and stops saving entity on failure.
Note that this is a breaking change, I do however think it wonΒ΄t break anything in practice, and rather fixes issues due to unexpected behavior.
- Status changed to Needs work
4 months ago 11:03am 16 September 2024 - π¬π§United Kingdom jonathan1055
Thanks for working on this. By "breaking change" I presume you are referring to the failures in the API tests.
I have not actually been able to reporduce the problem. Initially I did not have the Scheduler option "create new revision on publishing" ticked, so I added that and re-did the steps. But I still only get one revision (two in total) even after running cron several times. The log has the error "Publishing failed for 'the title'. scheduler_content_moderation_integration_scheduler_publish_process returned a failure code." after each cron, but no extra revision is created. There must be one other thing in the STR that is missing.
- Status changed to Needs review
4 months ago 12:19pm 16 September 2024 - π³π±Netherlands casey
By "breaking change" I presume you are referring to the failures in the API tests.
I meant that aborting hook invocations once one implementation returns "1" or "-1" is a (breaking) API change; with semantic versioning in mind, this change should introduce a new major version. I argued however that this change in practice should not be a problem, and even/rather fixes issues due to unexpected behavior (for sites that have multiple publish_process hook implementations).
The failing tests are however also a result of these API changes; the MR alters SchedulesManager::publish() and SchedulesManager::unpublish() so it no longer saves (and therefor no longer enforces the (un)publish_on to be restored) the entity on failure of a publish_process hook implementation.
I do think the (un)publish_process hook implementation should ensure the (un)publish_on is kept/restored when it fails to publish the entity (if that is the intended behavior). I altered the failing test so it passes; actually it were the (un)publish_process hook implementations of the test module that caused to tests to fail, so I altered the hook implementations.
- π³π±Netherlands casey
I have not actually been able to reproduce the problem.
Hmm, that's too bad. Not sure what is missing. To easily reproduce the problem you could alter the scheduler_content_moderation_integration_scheduler_publish_process (or any other publish_process hook implementation) so it always returns "-1". This way you should get a new revision every time you run the scheduler cron.
- π§πͺBelgium fernly
We have the exact same issue. Only our transitions still exist. It's some nodes that have an unpublish_state (from scheduler_content_moderation_integration) which contains NULL for an unknown reason. That results in many many revisions.
Whether or not this is reproducable, the issue remains that when -1 is returned in hook_scheduler_publish_process(), the entity is still saved. You can always test this issue by forcing the entity to have an unpublish_state with value NULL, for example setting that value in hook_node_presave() for every node.