- Issue created by @liquidcms
I do not recall this ever working but my client swears that it used to. It is hard to say that it is the import that doesn't work when looking at the export:
it does seem odd that the export is full of absolute references.
But when importing i get this fatal error:
Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\UnexpectedValueException: Type https://dev.example.com/rest/type/fillpdf_form/fillpdf_form does not correspond to an entity on this site. in Drupal\hal\Normalizer\ContentEntityNormalizer->getTypedDataIds() (line 264 of E:\www\Noah\SpecialtyD8\web\modules\contrib\hal\src\Normalizer\ContentEntityNormalizer.php).
which seems like it should cause an error because why would: "https://dev.example.com/rest/type/fillpdf_form/fillpdf_form" be an entity type?