Exposed filter causes view to refresh too many times

Created on 2 September 2024, 6 months ago


With auto refresh enabled on a view with an exposed filter, if the apply/search button on the exposed filter is clicked the view refreshes every n seconds for the number of times the button is clicked, where n is the refresh interval. It seems that a new refresh interval is set each time the 'apply' button is clicked without clearing the existing interval/timeout. Currently unsure if this behaviour occurs only when an exposed filter is applied or if it applies to other Ajax elements on the page/within the view.

Steps to reproduce

Create a view with a page display
Add autorefresh to view
Add an exposed filter to the view
Click on the apply button of the exposed filter
Wait for view to refresh after n seconds + n seconds for each time the button was clicked

Proposed resolution

Clearing the refresh interval/timeout when the button is clicked before setting a new one.

🐛 Bug report






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