Create two separate forms for the site name and the user 1 account info

Created on 27 August 2024, 5 months ago
Updated 11 September 2024, 5 months ago


To improve the installer experience, we'd like to take the rather long site configuration form (presented towards the end of the installer) and split it into two different forms:

  1. A form where you choose the username and password for your administrator account. (All the same password checking stuff should be there.)
  2. A form where you set the name for the site, with a hidden field that sets the site's time zone to UTC, and another hidden field that enables the Update module.

This could be done as a pair of forms that decorate/extend SiteConfigurationForm and remove all parts except the relevant ones. Or it could be done as two completely new forms (which might be the easiest option). In any case, both forms should be exposed as distinct install tasks.

โœจ Feature request



Track: Installer

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๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธUnited States phenaproxima Massachusetts

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