- Issue created by @dmundra
- πΊπΈUnited States dmundra Eugene, OR
Couple of small bugs to fix:
* Add a request not found message to the request admin page.
* Fix the following phpcs81 | ERROR | The $_REQUEST super global must not be accessed directly; inject | | the request_stack service and use | | $stack->getCurrentRequest()->request->get('test') instead
- Status changed to Needs review
5 months ago 6:34pm 2 September 2024 - πΊπΈUnited States dmundra Eugene, OR
Merging changes to review with Ron for testing. Individual games implemented and forms for multi-player players and rounds.
- πΊπΈUnited States dmundra Eugene, OR
dmundra β changed the visibility of the branch 3468792-main-logic-2 to hidden.
- πΊπΈUnited States dmundra Eugene, OR
dmundra β changed the visibility of the branch 3468792-main-logic-2 to active.
- πΊπΈUnited States dmundra Eugene, OR
How to review:
1. Go to landing page /tragedy_of_the_commons.
2. Click on 'Fill out the REQUEST FORM.'
3. Fill out the request form and click 'Submit Request'.
4. Confirm you get the 'Received' email to the entered email address in the form and 'Approval Sought' email to the hardcoded emails.
5. Navigate to the link in the 'Approval Sought' email (login as needed) to review the request and confirm the Approval and Disapproval buttons display.
6. Navigate to /admin/config/development/tragedy_of_the_commons/results and confirm you see the request in a table.
7. Click on the ID or 'Last Name' links to get to the request page from step 5 with the buttons.
8. On the request page click 'Approve Request' to approve the request. Confirm the buttons disappear.
9. Confirm you get the 'Approved' email.
10. Navigate back to /tragedy_of_the_commons.
11. Expand 'Playing the Multi-person Tragedy of the Commons game'.
12. Put in the test password from the email into the field and click 'Submit'.
13. Confirm you see a start page with 'Game for ...' text and whether it is a test or not.
14. Enter multiple players with different first and last names.
15. For each player confirm you will be taken to the player's game page.
16. For each player enter a number of cows.
17. For each player confirm you are taken to a wait page.
18. Open the manage page for the game using the link in the email or adding manage to the URL after the game ID e.g. '/tragedy_of_the_commons/gamespace/3/manage'.
19. Hit submit to 'complete' the round.
20. Confirm you are taken to the results page with the results of that round and no names being displayed.
21. For each player confirm they are also taken to the results page.
22. Confirm the results match the expected results/maths and look like the existing site. -
dmundra β
committed b1fab56e on 1.0.x
#3468792 Results cleanup
dmundra β
committed b1fab56e on 1.0.x
- Merge request !9Auto accepting requests and updating the player page β (Merged) created by dmundra
- πΊπΈUnited States dmundra Eugene, OR
How to review:
1. Go to landing page /tragedy_of_the_commons.
2. Click on 'Fill out the REQUEST FORM.'
3. Fill out the request form and click 'Submit Request'.
4. Confirm you get the 'Approved' email.
5. Navigate back to /tragedy_of_the_commons.
6. Expand 'Playing the Multi-person Tragedy of the Commons game'.
7. Put in the test password from the email into the field and click 'Submit'.
8. Confirm you see a start page with 'Name's Game Start Page' text and text saying it is a test.
9. Enter multiple players with different first and last names.
10. For each player confirm you will be taken to the player's game page.
11. For each player enter a number of cows.
12. For each player confirm you are taken to a wait page.
13. Open the manage page for the game using the link in the email or adding manage to the URL after the game ID e.g. '/tragedy_of_the_commons/gamespace/3/manage'.
14. Hit submit to 'complete' the round.
15. Confirm you are taken to the results page with the results of that round and no names being displayed.
16. For each player confirm they are also taken to their player page where it shows the same results, summary at the bottom and a form to submit another round.
17. Confirm the results match the expected results/maths. - Status changed to Fixed
3 months ago 2:39am 15 November 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.