- Issue created by @jacobadeutsch
34009 of these errors seem to be from demo_design_system/starshot_demo/dist
32693 of these errors seem to be from demo_design_system/distSo 66702 out of 66722 of the errors are from both dist directories. I reckon it'll be easier to find the remaining 20 once those directories are dealt with.
found the other errors. they're all in theme-settings/civictheme.theme-settings.colors.css
Found all of the problem files:
dist/civictheme.admin.css dist/civictheme.css dist/civictheme.editor.css dist/civictheme.layout.css dist/civictheme.variables.css theme-settings/civictheme.theme-settings.colors.css starshot_demo/dist/styles.css starshot_demo/dist/styles.editor.css starshot_demo/dist/styles.variables.css
Additionally, there are 24625 problems (24625 errors, 0 warnings) for Javascript files under demo_design_system. Those files being:
civictheme_starter_kit/gulpfile.js dist/civictheme.js starshot_demo/components_combined/00-base/starshot-container/starshot-container.stories.js starshot_demo/components_combined/00-base/starshot-one-col/starshot-one-col.stories.js starshot_demo/components_combined/00-base/starshot-three-col/starshot-three-col.stories.js starshot_demo/dist/scripts.js starshot_demo/gulpfile.js theme-settings/civictheme.theme-settings.colors.js
- Issue was unassigned.
- Status changed to Postponed
7 months ago 5:52am 20 August 2024 - πΊπΈUnited States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Since we are focused on the standalone component directories for now to support Starshot, then marking this postponed. We can revisit this in a couple weeks.