- Issue created by @w01f
- Status changed to Closed: cannot reproduce
5 months ago 3:06pm 9 August 2024 - 🇮🇹Italy itamair
Please don't report and mark issues as Bugs if you don't have clear evidences that it is so, and only assume due the fact things don't work as you expect on your specific side.
Moreover you are referring to an existing similar Bug report that looks resolved / fixed.Indeed I cannot reproduce what you report (with latest 10.2.23 Leaflet version) and all looks good on the Translations side, both on the Leaflet Popups and Tooltips and whatsoever, as you can see from attached screenshots.
In the end the Leaflet View Style is reflecting normal translation features of the View module itself, and you should probably address this issue on your specific setup.
For instance, make sure you you are using proper Content Translation setup, Translation detection and negotiation, so as
Rendering Language: Interface text language selected for page
in Language View Style setting ... etc.Move this back to BUG only if you have deeply debugged what is wrong in the Leaflet module code base and you can clearly prove and document you buggy code findings ...
- Status changed to Needs work
5 months ago 7:17pm 12 August 2024 - 🇺🇸United States w01f
Hi Italo,
Here are additional, hopefully helpful details.
The referenced fixed issue was for Drupal 8 - I was including it as it seems related, though for a different major Drupal version.
The issue presents itself when using Layout Builder on a content type and selecting the "Leaflet Map" formatter option for a Geofield-type field block. For example:
https://www.kobejet.com/ja/locations/mapFor views using the Leaflet Map format, the popups do indeed show the correct selected interface language. For example:
https://www.kobejet.com/ja/locations/mapI'm including the leaflet part of the config in LB for the
layout_id: layout_onecol layout_settings: label: '' context_mapping: { } components: 831530ed-4b00-40b5-adaa-7e67867314fb: uuid: 831530ed-4b00-40b5-adaa-7e67867314fb region: content configuration: id: 'field_block:node:location:field_location' label: Location label_display: '0' provider: layout_builder context_mapping: entity: layout_builder.entity view_mode: view_mode formatter: type: leaflet_formatter_default label: above settings: multiple_map: false leaflet_map: 'OSM Mapnik' height: 400 height_unit: px hide_empty_map: true disable_wheel: false gesture_handling: true fitbounds_options: '{"padding":[0,0]}' reset_map: control: false options: '{"position":"topleft","title":"Reset View"}' map_scale: control: false options: '{"position":"bottomright","maxWidth":100,"metric":true,"imperial":false,"updateWhenIdle":false}' locate: control: true options: '{"position":"topright","setView":"false","returnToPrevBounds":true,"keepCurrentZoomLevel":true,"strings":{"title":"Locate my position"}}' automatic: true leaflet_tooltip: value: '' options: '{"permanent":false,"direction":"center"}' leaflet_popup: control: '1' content: "<h2>[node:title]</h2>\r\n[node:field_address]" options: '{"maxWidth":"300","minWidth":"50","autoPan":true}' map_position: force: false center: lat: 0.0 lon: 0.0 zoomControlPosition: topleft zoom: 14 minZoom: 1 maxZoom: 18 zoomFiner: 0 icon: iconType: marker iconUrl: '' shadowUrl: '' className: '' iconSize: x: '' 'y': '' iconAnchor: x: '' 'y': '' shadowSize: x: '' 'y': '' shadowAnchor: x: '' 'y': '' popupAnchor: x: '' 'y': '' html: '<div></div>' html_class: leaflet-map-divicon circle_marker_options: '{"radius":100,"color":"red","fillColor":"#f03","fillOpacity":0.5}' leaflet_markercluster: control: true options: '{"spiderfyOnMaxZoom":true,"showCoverageOnHover":true,"removeOutsideVisibleBounds":false}' include_path: false fullscreen: control: true options: '{"position":"topleft","pseudoFullscreen":false}' path: '{"color":"#3388ff","opacity":"1.0","stroke":true,"weight":3,"fill":"depends","fillColor":"*","fillOpacity":"0.2","radius":"6"}' feature_properties: values: '' geocoder: control: false settings: autocomplete: placeholder: 'Search Address' title: 'Search an Address on the Map' position: topright input_size: 25 providers: freegeoip: weight: 0 checked: false googlemaps: weight: 0 checked: false openstreetmap: weight: 0 checked: false min_terms: 4 delay: 800 zoom: 16 popup: false options: '' map_lazy_load: lazy_load: true third_party_settings: fences: fences_field_tag: div fences_field_classes: '' fences_field_items_wrapper_tag: none fences_field_items_wrapper_classes: '' fences_field_item_tag: div fences_field_item_classes: '' fences_label_tag: div fences_label_classes: '' weight: 6 additional: { } third_party_settings: { }
- Status changed to Fixed
5 months ago 8:31pm 13 August 2024 - 🇮🇹Italy itamair
@W01F still cannot reproduce this issue of you,
as all looks properly translated in the Leaflet Popup, also when the Leaflet Map (Formatter) in injected and rendered throughout the Layout Builder.I also specifically provided the following translated Content demo page, for your evidence:
Fat Cat: https://www.geodemocracy.com/drupal_geofield_stack_demo/web/geo-place/fa...
Gatto Grosso (corresponding in Italian): https://www.geodemocracy.com/drupal_geofield_stack_demo/web/it/geo-place...Note: Differently from the Leaflet Formatter field (first map on the right region),
the second bottom map (below on the right region) is being rendered with the following technique (that I prefer over the Leaflet Formatter):
- still use the Leaflet View style, but render only the feature / item corresponding to the node that is being viewed (throughout the Contextual Filter);
- inject the above set Leaflet View in the specific Node content View throughout the View field module (properly setup for the specific Node / Content type): https://www.drupal.org/project/viewfield →Hence, I cannot say what could be wrong on your side / setup (also because all looks good to my side ... ),
BUT, if Leaflet Popup translations works fine with the Leaflet View, well, surely you could go with the 2nd Leaflet Map View technique that I briefly described here ... - 🇺🇸United States w01f
Hi Itamair... no idea what I did or happened, but it now seems to be fixed. Thank you for taking the time to also investigate and your thorough responses. If I figure out what changed I'll follow up here to potentially help anyone else who might experience the same thing.
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.