Add some tests for published / unpublished translations

Created on 8 August 2024, 6 months ago
Updated 2 September 2024, 5 months ago


We've seen in other modules some problems with published / unpublished translations, where suddenly either an unpublished translation being created was removing access for the published original node, or the other way around: saving an original node having unpublished translations was allowing access to everything.

The thing is core doesn't mind about a node's status if there are grants on the DB.

So let's write a test:

  1. create a published restricted node
  2. check access is ok
  3. create an unpublished translation
  4. check access is ok for both translations (original language is restricted, unpublished node does not have lines in the node_access table)
  5. publish the translation
  6. check access is ok (restricted for original and translation)
  7. unpublish the original
  8. check access is ok (nothing in DB for the original, restricted access for translation)
📌 Task






Created by

🇫🇮Finland joey-santiago

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