- Issue created by @joshua.boltz
- πΊπΈUnited States swirt Florida
Thank you for reporting this @joshua.boltz. I will look into this soon.
- πΊπΈUnited States kaise.lafrai Virginia
Just wanted to add an update here. I'm working on compatibility fixes for the next couple days. Thank you for your patience!
- Merge request !4Draft: Resolve #3465556 "Incompatibility with drupal" β (Closed) created by kaise.lafrai
- Merge request !6Defined validation field type category and updated the allow_only_one field... β (Merged) created by kaise.lafrai
- πΊπΈUnited States kaise.lafrai Virginia
A fix is ready for this issue that addresses compatibility with Drupal 10.2 and even Drupal 11.
kaise.lafrai β
committed 6c46d560 on 1.0.x
Issue #3465556 by kaise.lafrai: Incompatibility with Drupal 10.2 field...
kaise.lafrai β
committed 6c46d560 on 1.0.x
- πΊπΈUnited States kaise.lafrai Virginia
Thank you for testing this Swirt!