Question about use/ECA integration

Created on 26 July 2024, 7 months ago


I was looking for something like this yesterday, maybe this module fits my use case.

I have a site registration form with some questions for the user.

I would like to write a custom welcome email based on their response, replacing the account activation email.

There is an unblock account action, but it does not send the activation email.

The activation email is sent when the user entity is saved in User->postSave().

I was trying to build this with Symfony Mailer and ECA.

However, there is no event for sending the email to hook into.

It looks like I can use Symfony Mailer to disable the default activation email, and then use ECA to hook into User postSave to send the email.


Is there any ECA integration in this module that will be helpful for this?

Do you have ideas for more actions for this module?

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States mortona2k Seattle

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  • Issue created by @mortona2k
  • πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺGermany mxh Offenburg

    Thanks for the issue and question. This module may help you for sending a mail as action, i.e. it should be already possible to use the actions provided by this module within ECA. However, this module is not dependent on ECA and does not provide any event or anything beyond providing action plugins.

    Do you have ideas for more actions for this module?

    Not yet really. I created this module for the simple use case of just sending HTML mails via action. The focus should also just stay on action plugins and nothing more. There are other modules like Easy Email that also offer action plugins and probably those other modules are more suitable for anything that may go beyond that simple use case. One example may be attached files to a mail, which is something this module here does not (yet?) have a solution for.

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