- Issue created by @GuillaumePacilly
- Merge request !6Draft: Provide more settings to the widget for more flexibility → (Open) created by GuillaumePacilly
The module is great and work well but in some case lack in flexibility. Google Places API accept more inputs on the autocomplete requests that we could use to provide optimized results depending on the field context.
This issue is an extension of the existing issue about
output format
Possibility of parsing out the results into usable location values
Extend the Widget settings and update the script.
Add tests and review MR
New settings will be added to the field widget:
- Fields: to let the user choose the fields he wants to load from the API for the Place objects.
- Categories: to select one or more categories to match from the Table 1 and Table 2 of Google Places API types
- Output format: to let the user choose the desired ouput format for each field