Domain Default front page cannot be changed

Created on 23 July 2024, 8 months ago
Updated 24 July 2024, 8 months ago

Drupal Version


Domain module version

2.0.0-beta1 with patch 3450485-domain-form-builder.patch 3450485-domain-form-builder.patch and the fix for #3456056 🐛 Domain Access: Error: Call to a member function id() on null in Drupal\domain\Access\DomainRouteCheck->access() (line 74 of modules/contrib/domain/domain/src/Access/DomainRouteCheck.php). Fixed

Expected Behavior

[What did you try to do? What URL did you use to do it?]
I want to change the default front page assigned before through Configuration-System-Basic site settings.

Actual Behavior

[What actually happened?]
The default frontpage has shown it has been changed to the new front page, but it still remains use the old fontpage after changing and cleaning cache.

Steps to reproduce

[A bullet list of steps to reproduce the error. Note if the error always happens or sometimes happens.]

🐛 Bug report

Closed: cannot reproduce





Created by

🇨🇳China hongqing

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @hongqing
  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info 8 months ago
  • @hongqing, can you check if the problem is repeated with branch 2.0.x?

    If the problem is reproducible, please write steps to reproduce it, as I can't reproduce the problem on 2.0.x branch.

  • Status changed to Active 8 months ago
  • 🇨🇳China hongqing

    I have clean installation to test the module. The steps are as below:
    1. Install Drupal 10.3.0
    2. Install Domain module
    3. Enable Domain, Domain Access, Domain Configuration, and Domain Configuration UI modules.
    4. apply patch 3450485-domain-form-builder.patch
    5. Add domain records, named as main and sub respectively.
    6. Create two view pages in a view with path /main and /sub respectively.
    7. Create two basic pages, which are node/1 and node/2
    8. Assign frontpages for each domain through Configuration--> System-->Basic site settings, the frontpage for the main and sub domain is /main and /sub, respectively.
    9. Then, try to change the frontpages for each domain through Configuration--> System-->Basic site settings to node/1 and node/2 respectively. The changes are successfully saved in the form.
    10. Clean cache.
    11. Browse main and sub domain respectively, the frontpage for the main domain is changed, but the frontpage for the subdomain remains the same.
    12. In my production website, not the test one (I didn't test it with the test one), the frontpage for the sub domain may be changed to the frontpage of the main domain after adding some contents, I need to resave the domains frontpages to ensure the keep their own frontpages.

  • Status changed to Closed: cannot reproduce 8 months ago
  • 🇨🇳China hongqing

    I am closing this as it seems working in my clean installation now. I cannot reproduce it. I am further investigating my production website.

Production build 0.71.5 2024