- Issue created by @peachez
This issue arose while using media_library_bulk_upload with s3fs modules. When trying to bulk upload multiple video files, we were confronted with an ajax error with the drupal log error:
An error occurred when uploading a file: Error executing "CopyObject" on ""; AWS HTTP error: Client error: `PUT ` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response
This was due to the #upload_location using public://YYYY-MM instead of "temporary://". Switching this out for the former solved the issue for uploading our files. Not sure if this is the appropriate way to do this or make it a configurable value, but wanted to put this here in case anyone else has this same issue.
1. Install modules "" and "s3fs" and configure a bucket on s3 to have files copied to but not have new directories created.
2. Bulk upload some files and you could receive the error above.
Attaching a patch file for this for review