Blocked with ECA Flag after v2.00 update.

Created on 12 July 2024, about 2 months ago
Updated 12 August 2024, 27 days ago

Background and system

Drupal 10.3.1
Apache/2.4.33 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.0.2u mod_fcgid/2.3.9 PHP/8.3.1
PHP 8.3.7, memory limit: 256M
MySQL 5.7.24
PHP Caching module: OpCache
ECA and ECA Flag 2.00

We have of course done the drush eca:update and received no feedback which is good, suggesting that any updates happened without issue.

Other much more complex ECA models appear to be working fine.

Problem illustration

Prior to updating to ECA 2.x, we used the following ECA to detect the flagging of nodes as 'FINISHED' and so some stuff...

The 'stuff' was to iterate through the list of taxonomy terms found in a particular field of the 'FINISHED' node and in turn, Flag those Taxonomy terms as 'COVERED' — as labelled in the illustration.

The details of the model itself are largely unimportant, we include it here simply to se the scene as clearly as possible.

It all worked fine and robustly.

Since the update to ECA v2.x the secondary flagging just stopped working.

When we looked into it all we could see that we had to do some tweaking to whole model to start using the [event:xxxx] type tokens and that's all fine and understood now.

HOWEVER, the Action Task labelled above as 'Flag the term for the current user' — the one that was doing the flagging before just made no sense at all, the interface just couldn't make out what on earth the chosen template meant.

So fair enough, we thought we would would just delete that Action Task and create a new one in it's place to flag those Taxonomy terms — all seemed sensible enough but when go looking for the right Action for the job - i.e. one that says something like 'Flag entity...' all we can see is as below…

…and the really odd thing is that those 'pre-configured' things are the names of the Flags literally from months (if not years!) ago when our flags has some wrapping markup around there names.

Completely bamboozled by all this so any help gratefully received.

Specific questions are:

  1. Why are we seeing those preconfigured things an dhow can we banish them?
  2. How does one perform a 'Flag an entity with a specific named flag'
💬 Support request





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Created by

🇬🇧United Kingdom SirClickALot Somerset

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  • Issue created by @SirClickALot
  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom SirClickALot Somerset

    Can anyone in the core team help here with a nudge in the right direction?

    Thank you.

  • 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen

    Thanks @SirClickalot for reporting this. I've been on vacation and only returned this week. I'll have a look into this now.

    My assumption is, that the action plugin from the flag module may have some incompatibility and ECA is just ignoring broken plugins now instead of producing the annoying WSOD.

    And the action plugins you're seeing instead are coming from config entities, that exist on your site. When you delete those config entities (probably in the action ui configuration), then they will also disappear from the drop down list in ECA.

  • 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen

    Looks like there isn't any issue. The flag action plugins are not provided by ECA Flag, they are provided by the flag module directly. Therefore, if you scroll down a little further, you should find the missing actions in the "Flag" section:

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom SirClickALot Somerset

    Thanks @jurgenhaas, much appreciated.

    You'r right about the actions; I re-enabled the Actions UI module and killed off all the offending legacy ones relating to flagging and they no longer appear in the Template chooser dialogue now. One down!

    HOWEVER, The only entry I see that relates directly to the Flag module (when filtering to the word 'flag') is…

    And this is not some odd front end rendering problem, there really are not any more entries in the underlayng matkup after that…

    BUT, if I don't filter to the word 'flag' and simply scroll doen the enormous list until I find the 'Flag' section, I then, and only then, see this whole load of entries all 7 of which map to FLAG LINKS (flag and unflag) of my 7 flags…

    Then finally at the bottom, the 'Delete flagging (unflag)' entry but there really is nothing more there ;-(

    Since I cannot chose the 'flag this item' option (that you point to in your screenshot), I don't know what to expect, does then ask you WHICH flag to use in the righthand side dialogue?

    Is it possible that because I have those Flg links set up, that the appear in place of the more generic 'flag this item' option that again you point to in your screenshot?

    This has all happended I'm sure after updating to ECA 2.x.
    I am currelty using Flag 8.x-4.0-beta4 (released 8 December 2022)

  • 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen

    The way the flag module handles their action plugins is that they use the labels of the flag and unflag links as action labels. Here is my test example, where I have created on flag setup:

    They then show in the action plugin list with those names:

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom SirClickALot Somerset

    Thank you @jurgenhaas ,

    All is clear to me now and I think we have jointly uncovered a UX/UI issue…

    I must previously have been using the old Core Actions in my working ECA models and that's why they stopped working after the updte t 2.0 but I am much happier with the Flag-module-exposed name Flag links instead ;-)

    However, here is the interesting UI issue we've uncovered…

    In #5 💬 Blocked with ECA Flag after v2.00 update. Active , I was adamant that, when filtering for Flag module-realted ECA things (1), I could not see my names Flag links (2) and I was right because none of them contain the text 'flag' so…

    In your #6 reply, you DO see them becase yours DO have the word 'flag' in them - that's it!

    The whole time I've been using ECA — and I was a very early adopter — I have assumed that the filtering mechnaism was doing so by 'Module name' but it looks like it isn't even though, all the ECA elements are grouped by Module name.

    That would explain why I sometimes couldn't find what I was looking for ;-)

    My suggestion is that the filter be change so it IS truly a text filter on the Module name.

    I reckon that's a UX/UI issue, do you agree?

  • Status changed to Fixed about 1 month ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany jurgenhaas Gottmadingen

    Well, that UI comes from BPMN.iO and the particular widget for template selection is from this repository:

    Proposals for improvement can only be proposed and implemented there.

    I'm closing this issue here, since the topic seems to be resolved.

  • Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

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