- Issue created by @danyal zeb
- 🇵🇱Poland Pozi
Hello i had the same problem i could not open font color and font background menus. I noticed that some extra code was copied from external editor:
After applying "Remove Format" on this fragment of text both menus have returned to operation.
- 🇵🇰Pakistan danyal zeb
Pozi can you explian how to apply remove format on ckeditor 5
i am using full html text for my sections - 🇨🇦Canada jmfama
Ran into this too. Issue is related to some bad minimization.
In js/build/font.js:
should be changed to:
- First commit to issue fork.
i'm trying to override the js/fuild/font.js to update icon:i.icons.colorPaletteIcon to icon:e.icons.colorPaletteIcon like this but not working
libraries-override: ckeditor5_font/ckeditor5_font: js: js/build/font.js: assets/js/font.js
- 🇵🇰Pakistan Allahnoor Turab
Yes #5 looks like minimization issue, because there is no variable with this name in the repo of this file.
For quick solution we can override the js file with as per #5 using hook.
/** * Implements hook_library_info_alter(). */ function miscellaneous_library_info_alter(array &$libraries, $extension) { // Check if we're altering the 'ckeditor5_font' module's library. if ($extension === 'ckeditor5_font' && isset($libraries['ckeditor5_font']['js'])) { \Drupal::logger('debug')->warning('<pre><code>' . print_r($libraries, TRUE) . '
// Remove the default font.js file from the 'ckeditor5_font' library.
unset($libraries['ckeditor5_font']['js']['js/build/font.js']);// Add your custom JavaScript file.
$libraries['ckeditor5_font']['js']['/' . Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('miscellaneous') . '/libs/ckeditor5_fontjs-override.js'] = [];
- First commit to issue fork.
- 🇺🇦Ukraine o_timoshchuk
I obtained the latest font.js file from the ckeditor5-font package, but it didn't resolve the issue. Therefore, I created a patch and merge request with the modified font.js file.
- 🇸🇮Slovenia mkrizaj
Patch attached under original issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/ckeditor5_font/issues/3368736#comment-158... 🐛 Error after update to Drupal 10.1.0 Active