Plan: Release Varbase 9.1.4

Created on 2 July 2024, 2 months ago
Updated 15 July 2024, about 2 months ago

Varbase 9.1.4 Release notes

Varbase documentation

Check out Varbase documentation for more details.

Highlighted important changes since Varbase 9.1.3 → :

This is a patch (bugfix) release of Varbase 9 and is ready for use on production sites. Learn more about Varbase 9.

  • Issue #3458615 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Profile version requirements

Added since Varbase 9.1.3 → :

All new features are in Varbase ~10

Changed since Varbase 9.1.3 → :

  • Issue #3437227 → : Switched to a local patching system and ~2 within Varbase Commerce
  • Issue #3456007 → : Changed Call to deprecated function openssl_pkey_free() in PHP ~8
  • Issue #3450607 → : Removed the Layout Builder Restrictions module from Varbase Core as it was moved to Varbase Layout Builder

Updates since Varbase 9.1.3 → :

  • Issue #3456041 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Core version requirements
  • Issue #3457305 → : Update Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Media version requirements
  • Issue #3457062 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Editor version requirements
  • Issue #3458264 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Layout Builder version requirements
  • Issue #3458158 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Media Hero Slider version requirements
  • Issue #3458150 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Workflow version requirements
  • Issue #3458147 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Total Control Dashboard version requirements
  • Issue #3457641 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase SEO version requirements
  • Issue #3458094 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Social Single Sign-On version requirements
  • Issue #3457604 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Search version requirements
  • Issue #3456539 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Blog (Corporate Blog) version requirements
  • Issue #3456545 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Bootstrap Paragraphs version requirements
  • Issue #3457277 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Landing Page (Paragraphs) version requirements
  • Issue #3458154 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in View Modes Inventory - Bootstrap Ready version requirements
  • Issue #3455968 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase API version requirements
  • Issue #3457374 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Media Header version requirements
  • Issue #3457232 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase FAQs version requirements
  • Issue #3458130 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Style Guide version requirements
  • Issue #3457083 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Email version requirements
  • Issue #3456569 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Commerce (Merchandise) version requirements
  • Issue #3456554 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Varbase Carousels version requirements
  • Issue #3458136 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 with support for recipes in Vartheme BS5 version requirements
  • Issue #3456503 → : Updated Drupal Core to ~10.3.0 and ~11.0.0 and drop support for ~9.5.0 in Vartheme Claro version requirements
  • Issue #3454390: Updated MaxLength module from ~2 to ~2 || ~3 in Varbase Core to allow a smoother update process
  • Issue #3454406 → : Updated MaxLength module from ~2 to ~2 || ~3 in Varbase Landing Page (Paragraphs) to allow a smoother update process
  • Issue #3454398 → : Updated MaxLength module from ~2 to ~2 || ~3 in Varbase Media Hero Slider to allow a smoother update process
  • Issue #3457236 → : Updated MaxLength module from ~2 to ~2 || ~3 in Varbase FAQs to allow a smoother update process
  • Issue #3454403 → : Updated MaxLength module from ~2 to ~2 || ~3 in Varbase Bootstrap Paragraphs to allow a smoother update process
  • Issue #3454451 → : Updated ImageMagick module from ~3 to ~3 || ~4 to allow for a smoother update process
  • Issue #3450589 → : Updated Layout Builder Restrictions module from ~2 to ~2 || ~3 for a smoother update process
  • Issue #3458849 → : Updated the npm-asset/northernco--ckeditor5-anchor-drupal library from ^0.4.0 to ^0.5.0

Fixes since Varbase 9.1.3 → :

Updating Varbase 9.1.3 to Varbase 9.1.3

Updated Change log file:

Varbase Automated Functional Testing

Varbase Gherkin features

📌 Task






Created by

🇯🇴Jordan Rajab Natshah Jordan

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Production build 0.71.5 2024