Is there a straightforward way to override/disable the base theme's ckeditor5-stylesheets
? Base theme's CKEditor5 stylesheet gets loaded by _ckeditor5_theme_css()
regardless of my sub-theme's ckeditor5-stylesheets
I am using bootstrap5 as base theme. It has the following lines and seems to follow the instructions in
Change record: New API for adding theme-specific styles in CKEditor 5 →
- css/ck5style.css
This issue happens in both D10 and D11 with any base theme that has CKEditor5 stylesheets.
change record →
above does not say anything about the expected behaviour regarding the base theme's CKEditor5 stylesheets. So, I'm not sure if this should be considered a feature request or a bug.
Workaround: Here is a workaround, but it would be easier to control this through sub-theme's ckeditor5-stylesheets
* Implements hook_system_info_alter().
function mymodule_system_info_alter(array &$info, Extension $file, $type) {
if ($type == 'theme' && $file->getName() == 'bootstrap5') {
$info['ckeditor5-stylesheets'] = FALSE;
Steps to reproduce
0. Make sure ckeditor5
is installed.
1. Install a base theme that has ckeditor5-stylesheets
value, for example
bootstrap5 →
composer require 'drupal/bootstrap5:^4.0'
drush theme:install bootstrap5
2. Create a sub-theme. For bootstrap5
, you can use the following command:
drush --include="web/themes/contrib/bootstrap5/src/Drush" bootstrap5:generate-subtheme my_subtheme --subtheme-name="My sub-theme"
3. Observe that our new sub-theme has the following lines and seems to follow the instructions in the
change record →
- css/ck5style.css
base theme: bootstrap5
4. Install the sub-theme and make it the default theme. Also, turn off CSS aggregation for easier testing and clear cache.
drush theme:install my_subtheme
drush config-set system.theme default my_subtheme
drush config-set system.performance css.preprocess 0
drush cr
5. Test through browser/drush
5.a Test in browser: Go to /node/add/page
and observe that CKEditor5 stylesheets are loaded for both base theme and sub-theme (for example, the /themes/contrib/bootstrap5/css/ck5style.css
and /themes/custom/my_subtheme/css/ck5style.css
5.b Check _ckeditor5_theme_css()
's output by executing the following drush command:
drush eval 'echo var_dump(_ckeditor5_theme_css());'
... and observe that CKEditor5 stylesheet of base theme still shows up in the output in addition to the sub-theme's:
array(2) {
string(43) "/themes/contrib/bootstrap5/css/ck5style.css"
string(48) "/themes/custom/my_subtheme/css/ck5style.css"
6. Now set ckeditor5-stylesheets
to false
in your sub-theme's .info.yml
ckeditor5-stylesheets: false
base theme: bootstrap5
7. Clear cache and repeat the step 5 above for testing:
7.a Test in browser: Observe that base theme's CKEditor5 stylesheet (for example, the /themes/contrib/bootstrap5/css/ck5style.css
above) is loaded.
7.b Check _ckeditor5_theme_css()
's output using the following command:
drush eval 'echo var_dump(_ckeditor5_theme_css());'
and observe that the base theme's CKEditor5 stylesheet still shows up in the output:
array(1) {
string(43) "/themes/contrib/bootstrap5/css/ck5style.css"
Proposed resolution
Either of the following:
- Load the base theme's CKEditor5 stylesheets only if the sub-theme does not provide it (this behaviour is mentioned by alex.skrypnyk
in the change record page →
.) This is the easiest option I think, as we just need to stop looking once we find a theme (the sub-theme or a base theme) that has
set (either false
or actual CKEditor5 stylesheets). However, it may cause issues for existing sites that are intended to use CKEditor5 stylesheets from both base theme and the sub-theme.
- Provide a functionality similar to