sender_url should not contain mailto:

Created on 29 June 2024, 2 months ago
Updated 15 August 2024, 24 days ago

Hello, I'm using this module on a Drupal 10 site. And on the 'Mailer policy' page at Contact form ยป Message ยป *All*, I've modified the content slightly to more closely match the Default contact form's notification message:

<p>{{ sender_name }} ({{ sender_url }}) sent a message using the contact form at {{ form_url }}.</p>
{{ body }}

This gets me pretty close, but there are 2 improvements I'd really like to make and can't figure out how.

#1. In the default contact form, the message shows the sender's e-mail address more clearly (and simply). For example, it looks like this:
Rob Roberts (not verified) ( sent a message ...

However, with the above variables in place, the Symfony message looks like this:
Rob Roberts (not verified) ( sent a message ...

I just want this to be clean and simple, and *not* show the "mailto" part since that is obvious and unnecessarily cluttered looking.

#2. At the end of the message, the default Drupal message text looks like this:
... using the contact form at

However, the Symfony version looks like this:
... using the contact form at /contact.

In this case, it would be preferable to show the entire URL since it's more informative and looks better as well

I have scoured Google, the "contact.module" file, and aside from the linked related issues I'm not finding anything of use. I appreciate that the work on these issues is complex, so in the meantime it'd be great if someone could enlighten me on how to do these 2 things:

  1. Change {{ sender_url }} to the desired variable
  2. Change {{ form_url }} to the desired variable

Since this is how the default Drupal text looks, I know it must be possible! Any help to make these small-yet-important (to me) changes would be much appreciated.

๐Ÿ› Bug report

Needs work





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๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธUnited States jimmb

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