I have a simple webform for contact with two email handlers.
First is an email to the customer and the second one is for employee, saying there is a new contact request.
WEBFORM_ID = contact
HANDLER_ID = customerconfirmation
HANDLER_ID = contactrequest
in both, for the body, it is configured to use HTML (Twig) Template.
In my custom module, i have created this files:
In my gssolar.theme, there is a function:
* Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK() for webform email message templates.
function gssolar_preprocess_webform_email_message_html(&$variables) {
/** @var \Drupal\webform\WebformSubmissionInterface $webform_submission */
$webform_submission = $variables['webform_submission'];
$variables['data'] = $webform_submission->getData();
// Retrieve the Webform ID
$webform_id = $webform_submission->getWebform()->id();
// Access the handler object correctly
$handler = $variables['handler'];
// Check and access the handler ID through configuration
$handler_configuration = $handler->getConfiguration();
$handler_id = !empty($handler_configuration['handler_id']) ? $handler_configuration['handler_id'] : NULL;
if ($handler_id) {
// Perform operations with the handler ID if necessary
$variables['theme_hook_suggestion'] = 'webform-email-message-html--' . $webform_id . '--' . $handler_id;
} else {
// Handle the case where the handler ID cannot be retrieved
\Drupal::logger('gssolar')->error('Unable to retrieve the handler ID');
// Optionally, handle the lack of handler_id by setting a default suggestion:
// $variables['theme_hook_suggestion'] = 'webform-email-message-html--' . $webform_id . '--default';
// Debug to verify the Twig template suggestion
\Drupal::logger('gssolar')->notice('Twig template suggestion: @suggestion', ['@suggestion' => $variables['theme_hook_suggestion']]);
// Retrieve the name of the Twig template actually applied
$template_name = isset($variables['theme_hook_suggestion']) ? $variables['theme_hook_suggestion'] : '';
// Log to verify the name of the Twig template applied
\Drupal::logger('gssolar')->notice('Applied Twig template: @template', ['@template' => $template_name]);
in my Recent Log Messages I see:
Message Template Twig applicato: webform-email-message-html--contact--contactrequest
Message Suggerimento template Twig: webform-email-message-html--contact--contactrequest
The point is, both emails arrives without any template.
If I create the file only with webform_id, it applies the same twig file for both emails --> behavior not wanted.
I am missing something or there is bug?
Thank you in advance!
Camila F.
I have also inserted this line "{{ 'Template Twig loaded'|debug }}" into my twig template, but nothing is showed in my Recent Log Pages.
* @file
* Default theme implementation for webform email wrapper template as HTML.
* Available variables:
* - message: The email message which contains to, from, subject, message, etc…
* - webform_submission: The webform submission.
* - handler: The webform handler.
* @ingroup themeable
{{ 'Template Twig loaded'|debug }}
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<span class="tinyMce-placeholder">Contatto Richiesto dal Sito</span>
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<p style="margin: 0; margin-bottom: 16px;"> Ci sono nuove richieste di contatto inserite sul sito! <br />
<br /> Nome: <b>{{ data.first_name }}</b>
<br /> Cognome: <b>{{ data.last_name }}</b>, <br />
<br /> Recapiti forniti: <br />
<br /> E-mail: <b>{{ }}</b>
<br /> Telefono: <b>{{ data.phone_number }}</b>
<br />
<br /> Dettaglio Messaggio: <br />
<br /> Oggetto: <b>{{ data.subject }}</b>
<br /> Messaggio: <b>{{ data.message }}</b>
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Steps to reproduce
Drupal: 10.3.0
Webform: 6.2.2