- Issue created by @delacosta456
- First commit to issue fork.
- Merge request !15Issue #3453653 by gxleano: Add Enable Advanced Settings option to field widget → (Open) created by gxleano
- Status changed to Needs review
9 months ago 11:46am 16 June 2024 - 🇪🇸Spain gxleano Cáceres
A new option has been added to the Iconify Icons widget settings.
You can now enable or disable the Advanced Iconify Icon Settings for additional customization options.
- 🇧🇯Benin delacosta456
thanks for this quick reactions.I will test an let you know
- 🇧🇯Benin delacosta456
i tested the MR15 which effectively hide/show the "Additional settings" section.However, is there anyway to extend this feature so that it (only or also) depends on permission/ role assigned to a user ?
Some content editor with specific role may be allowed to change the icon settings when adding entity item to which the iconify field is attached.As now it's going to be possible to hid/show the Additional settings, I am also thinking (if possible) to :
- either completely move the "Additional settings" from "default field value" to the form display settings, so that configuration be made there and overridden when editing a content that has the iconify field (with enabled => Enable inconify icons Advanced settings + permission / role feature)
- or keep as it is in default value settings for only when no value is set and and overridden by form display settings or user when editing a content item
- 🇪🇸Spain gxleano Cáceres
Advanced settings have been moved from the field widget to the formatter settings on https://www.drupal.org/project/iconify_icons/releases/1.0.5 → , so this issue can be closed as won't fix.
- Status changed to Closed: won't fix
6 months ago 9:42am 5 September 2024