Add icons to the sub menu items available within "Create"

Created on 27 May 2024, 3 months ago
Updated 14 July 2024, about 2 months ago


Per default the list of entities a user is able to create looks like the following:

You as the user have either to memorize the entity type of each sub menu item available or you have to hover over each option and check your browsers status bar. Just based on the title it is impossible to directly know that Article and Basic page creates nodes, Document and Image media items and User a User. In case you have redundant names, I've created and added a block type and a media type called Article, to the content menu, things become even more challenging:

Steps to reproduce

  • Add a block type and a media type called Article
  • Add the two to the content menu as childs to the create parent menu item on /admin/structure/menu/manage/content
  • Expand the drawer for the create top level menu item

Proposed resolution

At the moment only top level menu items have icons. I am not sure if it would break any design patterns for the navigation in general but adding the corresponding icon of the entity type a respective sub menu item belongs to would provide an easy visual cue for sighted users about the general context a sub menu item is in. I've created a rough draft to illustrate the general idea (it is not in any way near properly arranged, it is chopped together in affinity photo to communicate the idea in general) :

How to label the menu titles more clearly in-between entity types for screen reader users is covered in 🐛 Make the link descriptions more descriptive, helpful, and clear. Active

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11.0 🔥


Last updated 1 day ago

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🇩🇪Germany rkoller Nürnberg, Germany

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