I have two currencies on the site, USD and NGN.
All countries are mapped to USD except Nigeria which is mapped to NGN.
Converted prices do not show on the product page and Views displays until the product is added to cart then the currency is converted and stays so until checkout is completed. Is this the way the module is designed or I am getting something wrong?
I found this issue ✨ Add price field formatter to display converted price Fixed talking about adding 'price field formatter to display converted price'. I tried the formatter 'Currency converter price' but it asks for a target currency either USD or NGN and once I choose one then all prices use the currency whether visitor is in Nigeria or any other country. So I am not sure this issue and the formatter is addressing the issue I am submitting here.
We will desire that when a visitor is in Nigeria he sees the price with NGN currency and when outside Nigeria he sees the price in USD. It works like this but the problem is the currency is not resolved until one adds the product to cart. Before adding the product to cart the currency is not converted while on the product page or on a Views page/block.
Closed: works as designed