Addition of the GitLab CI template identified some spelling issues:
./features/time.feature:2:10 - Unknown word (Maniuplating) -- Feature: Maniuplating the time
Suggestions: [Manipulating, Manipulation, Manipulative, Manipulations, Manducating]
./ - Unknown word (datetimes) -- interpreting strings as datetimes.
Suggestions: [datetime, daytimes, datelines, datetimeiso, datives]
./ - Unknown word (subcontext) -- * A subcontext for the Drupal Extension
Suggestions: [subcortex, subcontract, subcontinent]
./ - Unknown word (manipuated) -- state API to persist manipuated
Suggestions: [manipulated, manipulate, manipulates, manicured, manifested]
./ - Unknown word (subcontext) -- steps in the provided subcontext, indicate the path
Suggestions: [subcortex, subcontract, subcontinent]
./ - Unknown word (subcontext) -- to search for the subcontext in your project's behat
Suggestions: [subcortex, subcontract, subcontinent]
./ - Unknown word (subcontexts) -- subcontexts:
Suggestions: [subtexts, subcortex, subcontracts, subcontinents]
./ - Unknown word (subcontext) -- need to declare the subcontext under the `contexts
Suggestions: [subcortex, subcontract, subcontinent]
./ - Unknown word (jonathanshaw) -- * Jonathan Shaw (jonathanshaw) -
Suggestions: [jonathans]
./src/ - Unknown word (subcontext) -- * A Behat subcontext that allows manipulating
Suggestions: [subcortex, subcontract, subcontinent]
./src/TestDateTime.php:12:27 - Unknown word (insteading) -- strings as a datetime, insteading of always interpreting
Suggestions: [instating, intending, insetting, instead, invading]
./src/TestDateTime.php:15:44 - Unknown word (contruct) -- argument to the ::__contruct() method can be given
Suggestions: [contract, construct, conduct, contact, contrast]
./src/TestDateTime.php:157:59 - Unknown word (intepret) -- will later be used to intepret it.
Suggestions: [interpret, interest, internet, interred, interrex]
./src/TestTimeInterface.php:12:56 - Unknown word (manipuated) -- API to persist these manipuated times across
Suggestions: [manipulated, manipulate, manipulates, manicured, manifested]
CSpell: Files checked: 15, Issues found: 14 in 5 files
Let's fix these.