Provider array key undefined -

Created on 7 May 2024, 5 months ago
Updated 12 August 2024, about 2 months ago


After the most recent update 5.5.16 viewing pages a race condition occurs generating multiple warning into the Drupal db log.

Steps to reproduce

View a page.

Proposed resolution

Add validation checks for the keys before attempting to use the "provider" key.

Errors Logged

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in bootstrap_barrio_preprocess_block() (line 477 of /docroot/themes/contrib/bootstrap_barrio/bootstrap_barrio.theme)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in user_preprocess_block() (line 335 of /docroot/core/modules/user/user.module)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in node_preprocess_block() (line 456 of /docroot/core/modules/node/node.module)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in menu_ui_preprocess_block() (line 439 of /docroot/core/modules/menu_ui/menu_ui.module)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in language_preprocess_block() (line 350 of /docroot/core/modules/language/language.module)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in facets_preprocess_block() (line 132 of /docroot/modules/contrib/facets/facets.module)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in comment_preprocess_block() (line 553 of /docroot/core/modules/comment/comment.module)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in bootstrap_barrio_theme_suggestions_block_alter() (line 653 of /docroot/themes/contrib/bootstrap_barrio/bootstrap_barrio.theme)

Message	Warning: Undefined array key "provider" in block_theme_suggestions_block() (line 201 of /docroot/core/modules/block/block.module)

I'm trying to track down why the race condition occurs. But you can see it first gets triggered in the block preprocess.
I'm using a Barrio Bootstrap SASS sub-theme as the primary theme in the project.

πŸ› Bug report






Created by

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States emptyvoid

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