[1.0.2] Leaflet map z-index Overlaps Drupal Admin Menu

Created on 2 May 2024, about 2 months ago
Updated 16 May 2024, about 1 month ago


The Leaflet map implemented in our Drupal site has a z-index that appears to be too high, causing it to overlay the Drupal administration menu. This results in an inconvenience where the menu becomes partially or fully obscured by the map, hindering access to essential administrative functions.

Steps to Reproduce:

Navigate to any page on the Drupal site where the Leaflet map is displayed.
Access the Drupal administration menu.
Observe how the map overlays the administration menu, potentially obstructing access to menu items.

Expected Behavior:

The Leaflet map should respect the z-index hierarchy and not obscure the Drupal administration menu. The menu should remain fully accessible and usable even when the map is present on the page.

Actual Behavior:

The Leaflet map is displayed above the Drupal administration menu, making it partially or entirely inaccessible, leading to difficulties in administering the site.

Proposed Solution:

Adjust the z-index of the Leaflet map or the Drupal administration menu to ensure proper layering. Consider testing different z-index values to find an appropriate balance where both the map and the menu are visible and accessible without overlapping.

🐛 Bug report





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🇷🇪Réunion Martygraphie Saint-Denis (Réunion)

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