[D10] Schema App

Created on 30 April 2024, 10 months ago

Hi everyone,

I hope I'm in the right place here but please let me know if I'm not. Our module was approved some time ago but we were slow to migrate to Drupal 10 (we did have some great help from the community which was much appreciated) and were delisted for these versions so now only Drupal 7 is show on our project page. We would really appreciate any help with getting our 8,9,10 version of the module described below relisted. We will be more careful to update in timely fashion in the future. Below is a description of the module so you read more about what it does.

This is the Schema App module for local caching of JSON-LD markup. It was developed for Schema App (https://www.schemaapp.com) customers to locally cache schema markup generated by our application.

The functionality of the application is to pull resources from the Schema App CDN and store them within the Drupal cache. Once in the cache it is stored for 24 hours before refreshing again from the CDN. These resources are then inserted in a script tag of type application/ld+json into the head for search engines to pick up resources.

Local caching is used to provide more reliable deployments of structured data so they can more easily be picked up by web wrawlers.

It does require a Schema App account to retrieve markup with an Account ID that we assign as well as the user's API key.

Project link

Git instructions
git clone --branch 8.x-1.x https://git.drupalcode.org/project/schemaapp.git

Version 10 release:

📌 Task

Closed: duplicate



Created by

🇨🇦Canada joelcummings

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