- Issue created by @bobburns
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
8 months ago 1:46pm 19 April 2024 - ๐ญ๐บHungary Gรกbor Hojtsy Hungary
Which admin theme are you using? How does it look like if you switch your admin theme to something else, eg. Claro? The module now uses standard core classes which have assigned colors in Claro and other admin themes such as Gin. Instead of specifying our own colors which may or may not match with the theme. See https://www.hojtsy.hu/blog/2024-apr-18/new-upgrade-status-420-beautiful-... for more background.
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States bobburns
Yes Claro - color returns
I am using Adaptive theme with theme generator for use in differnent domains
Is there a fix??
- ๐ญ๐บHungary Gรกbor Hojtsy Hungary
I'm surprised Adaptive theme does not have the standard colors. These are used on the update status (core built in) page as well as site status report. Are those colorless also?
- ๐บ๐ธUnited States bobburns
Yes gone there too - nevewr really ever saw colors there. They show in Claro in update status
I upgraded to the latest Adaptivetheme 6.0 and at_tool 3.0.1 , rebuilt the cache and still no colors
- Status changed to Closed: works as designed
8 months ago 6:44am 24 April 2024 - ๐ญ๐บHungary Gรกbor Hojtsy Hungary
If Adaptive theme does not have colors in core's update status and core's status report page, then that is a design choice in Adaptive theme :) The new upgrade status module uses standard core classes to rely on design choices in admin themes, which makes it possible to be compatible with light and dark modes, configurable hues, etc. in some themes. Forcing specific colors make it impossible to support that.