- Issue created by @nigelwhite
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom nigelwhite Marsden
More information:
I've tested this on a vanilla D10 site. The behaviour is the same - ie an event with a range of several days will appear in the calendar on every day of its range. There appears no way of getting it to display only on its start date.
The field is still type = Smart Date Range but this time the settings are simpler -
- field storage is limited to 1 value so there is no 'multiple values' in the views field formatter. This removes one source of my confusion.
- the Smart Date Recurring module is not installedWhat made no difference -
- grouping on the Smart date field
- adding a Smart date Start Date field - this did not show up in Month Settings
- add a entity_id field - all the events had id = 0
- add a content id field - though each event had its own id there was no grouping
- aggregation - no events in calendarMaybe, after all, the calendar works as designed?? If someone could confirm it would put me out of my misery (-:
- Status changed to Postponed: needs info
10 months ago 6:36pm 17 April 2024 Sorry for the inconvenience @nigelwhite... but I'm not sure to fully understand what you are trying to acheive.
By design an event will be displayed every day it occurs. I think I am missing something, i'm sorry.
What would you like the calendar to display?
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom nigelwhite Marsden
Thank you for writing.
Our events (eg courses) last for months. We'd like a calendar which displays each event on its start date only. So, in the screenshot, the Multi day event would only appear on the 23rd and occupy only one day - just like the One day event.
We're using a Smart Date Range field.
You say, "By design an event will be displayed every day it occurs." So I guess this use case is out of scope?
- Merge request !32feat: Allow missing regular Date field in Calendar View #3441255 → (Merged) created by matthieuscarset
- Status changed to Needs review
10 months ago 7:47pm 18 April 2024 I understand now, thank you for the explanations.
I think I have it sorted in the attached merge request !32.
Could you please try and let me know if it answer your need?
With this patch applied, you should be able to place the start field in your View and then select it as the date field in the calendar settings. Then your events will be displayed on their "start" date only.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom nigelwhite Marsden
Yes, that patch does the trick.
Many thanks
matthieuscarset →
committed 027ccca1 on 2.1.x
Issue #3441255 by nigelwhite: Smart Date sources not showing in Month...
matthieuscarset →
committed 027ccca1 on 2.1.x
- Status changed to Fixed
10 months ago 2:14pm 22 April 2024 Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.