Don't lint the styles

Created on 13 April 2024, 2 months ago
Updated 4 May 2024, about 2 months ago


Currently we have a style lint step in our CI process that's failing.

  12:2   βœ–  Expected "z-index" to come before "bottom"                         order/properties-order
  28:2   βœ–  Expected "width" to come before "border-radius"                    order/properties-order
  32:39  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  32:51  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  33:24  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  33:36  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  34:2   βœ–  Expected "transition" to come before "box-shadow"                  order/properties-order
  35:2   βœ–  Expected "z-index" to come before "transition"                     order/properties-order
  38:2   βœ–  Expected "display" to come before "line-height"                    order/properties-order
  44:14  βœ–  Expected legacy color-function notation                            color-function-notation
  44:30  βœ–  Expected "15%" to be "0.15"                                        alpha-value-notation
  44:36  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  44:49  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  45:3   βœ–  Expected legacy color-function notation                            color-function-notation
  45:15  βœ–  Expected "5%" to be "0.05"                                         alpha-value-notation
  45:20  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  45:32  βœ–  Unexpected unit                                                    length-zero-no-unit
  46:2   βœ–  Expected "background-color" to come before "box-shadow"            order/properties-order
  53:2   βœ–  Expected "position" to come before "justify-content"               order/properties-order
  56:2   βœ–  Expected "display" to come before "transition"                     order/properties-order
  66:2   βœ–  Expected "padding" to come before "list-style"                     order/properties-order
  67:2   βœ–  Expected "margin" to come before "padding"                         order/properties-order
  69:2   βœ–  Expected "border-radius" to come before "background"               order/properties-order
  80:2   βœ–  Expected "display" to come before "font-weight"                    order/properties-order
  82:2   βœ–  Expected "align-items" to come before "justify-content"            order/properties-order
  83:2   βœ–  Expected "position" to come before "align-items"                   order/properties-order
  93:2   βœ–  Expected "position" to come before "white-space"                   order/properties-order
  95:2   βœ–  Expected "z-index" to come before "font-size"                      order/properties-order
  97:2   βœ–  Expected "right" to come before "opacity"                          order/properties-order
  99:2   βœ–  Expected "display" to come before "height"                         order/properties-order
 106:2   βœ–  Expected "right" to come before "font-size"                        order/properties-order
 108:2   βœ–  Expected "padding" to come before "opacity"                        order/properties-order
 115:2   βœ–  Expected "right" to come before "padding"                          order/properties-order
 128:2   βœ–  Expected "background-repeat" to come before "background-position"  order/properties-order
 129:2   βœ–  Expected "background-color" to come before "background-repeat"     order/properties-order
 131:2   βœ–  Expected "display" to come before "background-size"                order/properties-order
 133:2   βœ–  Expected "width" to come before "transition"                       order/properties-order
 242:12  βœ–  Expected keyframe name "slideIn" to be kebab-case                  keyframes-name-pattern
 245:3   βœ–  Expected "transform" to come before "opacity"                      order/properties-order
 253:12  βœ–  Expected keyframe name "slideOut" to be kebab-case                 keyframes-name-pattern
 256:3   βœ–  Expected "transform" to come before "opacity"                      order/properties-order
 260:3   βœ–  Expected "transform" to come before "opacity"                      order/properties-order
42 problems (42 errors, 0 warnings)

Steps to reproduce

Proposed resolution

There are different options open to us:

  • Go along with the default linting config and update our styles.
  • Modify the linting config (see the Drupal GitLab CI stylelint help page for more details) and possibly also our styles.
  • Remove the linting step.

Remaining tasks

Choose a resolution and implement.

User interface changes

API changes

Data model changes

πŸ“Œ Task






Created by

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom AndyF

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Production build 0.69.0 2024