I am encountering an issue while attempting to create nodes from a CSV file using the Migrate Plus module in Drupal 10.2. The nodes are successfully created with most fields populated from the CSV, but I am facing an error specifically related to a taxonomy reference field named 'field_product_materials'. This field is configured to reference the 'Materials' vocabulary (machine name: materials). But when I check Terms in the vocabulary the first term in csv 'Material 1' is created. SO only the issue seems to be term attaching to node.
Steps to reproduce
1. Import nodes from a CSV file using the Migrate Plus module.
2. Observe the error related to the taxonomy reference field 'field_product_materials'.
RAND001,Artical Name 1,DFS1,4.6,Material1,"Some HTML Content 1"
RAND002,Artical Name 2,DFS2,4.5,Material2,"Some HTML Content 2"
RAND003,Artical Name 3,DFS1,4.6,Material3,"Some HTML Content 3"
RAND004,Artical Name 4,DFS1,4.6,Material4,"Some HTML Content 4"
langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
id: product_kits
class: null
field_plugin_method: null
cck_plugin_method: null
migration_tags: null
migration_group: products
label: 'Import product Kits'
plugin: csv
path: /home/data/data.csv
delimiter: ','
enclosure: '"'
header_row_count: 1
- ArticleNumber
title: ArticleName
field_migration_unique_id: ArticleNumber
field_size_attribute: SizeAttribute
field_size_filter: SizeFilter
plugin: callback
callable: utf8_encode
source: Specifications
plugin: skip_on_empty
method: process
source: Material
plugin: entity_generate
entity_type: taxonomy_term
bundle: materials #VOCABULARY_MACHINE_NAME
value_key: name
bundle_key: vid
plugin: 'entity:node'
default_bundle: product_kit
migration_dependencies: null