[Plan] Stable 2.0.0 release

Created on 26 March 2024, 12 months ago
Updated 9 April 2024, 11 months ago


At time-of-writing, about 1500 sites use the 2.0.x version of the module, but it doesn't have a a stable release covered by security advisories.

I'd like to get this project to a state where the maintainers (myself included) feel comfortable making a stable 2.0.0 release, marking it as "Supported" and "Recommended", and opting into security advisory coverage β†’ .

Proposed resolution

Determine what we need to do to get a stable release of this module, then do those things!

Remaining tasks

  1. Fix issues blocking a release...
    1. ✨ Add a FunctionalJavascript test for the jQuery.fn.selectAll functionality Fixed
    2. πŸ› Potentially Invalid array_search() call in Multiselect.php Needs review
    3. πŸ› Form API AJAX submit doesn't work. Needs work
  2. Make an RC release
  3. Wait a week
  4. Make a full release

Some issues that would be nice-to-have for a release, but aren't technically blockers are...

  1. πŸ› Doesn't work with Gin admin theme Needs review

Some issues that we need more information from the participants are...

  1. πŸ› Field not focusable when required on source language change. Postponed: needs info

Other issues that are Open Bug reports and Tasks filed against all 2.0.* and all 2.* branches β†’ , which the maintainers do not consider to be blockers are...

  1. (none at this time)
🌱 Plan






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πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦Canada mparker17 UTC-4

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